Wednesday 4 April 2012

Story Bird

Remember that you can log onto Story Bird at any time and write and publish your own fantastic stories!
Just follow the easy link below and type in your own username and password.


Well done everybody for a fantastic Spring term in 5PJ!  It has been a long, action packed term that has seen us progress very well with all areas of our learning!  The trips were once again a big hit, the 'Bang Goes The Theory' science trip to the NEC was excellent and the National Space Centre visit was just amazing!

Thank you all for your hard work and brilliant learning attitudes, have a great Easter break!
 Lets bring on the Summer term!

Mr Jones

Friday 2 March 2012

Homework Friday 2nd March 2012

So ladies and gentlemen!  What a great Space assembly from you all this morning.  I am very proud of everybody!!


Ok, this week's homework is a research one, preparing you all for our new topic 'Rivers'.
Please find out about the giant river Amazon.  Investigate it's facts and figures, where on our planet does it lie? why is it important to the environment?  Then see if you can come up with some gruesome facts - Deadly 60style, about the river's wildlife!

Prepare it however you wish, ready for sharing with the class next Wednesday (7th March.)

Maths:  Complete the speed grid challenges with your parents, don't let them beat you!!

All the best.
Mr Jones